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Available dates are shown in green, booked dates are shown in grey. The dark green dates are start/end dates. Click GO!
You will then be taken to our booking system. Where you can select which lodge you would like stay in – More Info
Follow the steps to payment and completion. You will receive an email confirming your booking.
Wood and kindling is supplied for the duration of your stay, if you wish to buy more it will be available onsite.
We provide all bed linen and towels but we do not supply beach towels.
A camping stove is provided for those times when you don’t want to wait for the stove to warm up.
Ivy Lodge comes with a wood fired hot tub, included in the price.
Due to the level of wildlife at Gartmorn Dam, we regret that pets are not permitted to stay.
Arrival after 4.30pm, we would advise guests to arrive before it gets dark where possible as there are only solar lights in the lodge and it’s not easy to get all your luggage to the lodges safely.
Departure is 10.30am, we kindly ask all guests to leave their lodge tidy at the end of their stay and strip their beds when they leave.